dilluns, 28 de febrer del 2011

Past tens. Regulars verbs.

Realiza la siguiente actividad online:
Completa con el verbo indicado en el pasado simple:

1. He his room green. (to paint)

2. The prisoners last week. (to escape)

3. It all day yesterday. (to rain)

4. The mechanic my car. (to repair)

5. My mom to a new apartment last month. (to move)

6. My brother everywhere for his ring. (to look)

7. She at me. (to smile)

8. My grandfather old bottles. (to collect)

9. They to replace his computer. (to refuse)

10. I at her joke. (to laugh)

Después confecciona un listado de vocabulario con los verbos regulares en la libreta, copia las frases y transfoómalas en interrogativas y negativas. 

Ánimo!!! Es muy fàcil.